What is momo challenge and how to prevent teenagers to get into it

What is momo challenge and how to prevent teenagers to get into it?

momo challenge

We all know about the Blue whale challenge and how it takes many teenagers life through the extreme terrific task and Now there is a new dangerous game named Momo challenge entered into the space of the internet. It started from Facebook where the culprit sends the scary image to the victim and give them some task to do. Users are hounded with horrible picture and videos which urge them to kill or harm themselves in the end. If they dined to do the task they threaten them. The innocent teenagers fell into their trap and follow their instruction and ended up doing something terrific. Now the momo challenge is spreading in Whatsapp rapidly. people get Momo challenge from an unknown number from WhatsApp with an image of Japanese Artist Midori Hayashi. BuMidoriri Hayashi is not connected to this game. The game has already taken a life of a 12 years girl in Argentina.
So far, 'Momo' is known to be connected to at least three phone numbers from Japan, Columbia, and Mexico. The National Police of Spain already warned to not to go into Momo.
So the best way to avoid this is Don't involve yourself with any stranger in any social network. If any unknown person asks you about your personal information in social media block him/her. Lets spread the awareness about momo challenge and stop it before it makes more innocent teenagers its victim. Parents and guardians should notice the sudden change of the behavior of their children, if they find something suspicious then they should take action immediately. Another thing is cuts and buries on their body. Cause those challenges to make the victims harm their body, so if your kids are trying to hide their body from you make sure they are not hurting themselves. 
